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Download my SousVideSonoff project here.
Use the latest Arduino IDE and Arduino/ESP8266 libraries or, if you are an advanced programmer, PlatformIO.
Addresses of te used third-party libraries in de ino and header files.
The HTML is a simple test and demonstration of SousVidePan. Develop your own (graphical) user interface in HTML/JavaScript and use these files as a guide.
The SousVide pan webSocket Server must have a static IP.

Edit this:
In SousVide .html: edit the edit this section.
In SousVide .ino/h: edit the edit this sections.

Degrees Stepper and AC SCR:
Temperature over/undershoot in sous-vide is a very bad thing, so we have to avoid that.
With a power of 2000 W, the water bath is quickly on temperature but hard to keep under control.
We control the heating current with a stepper motor and a SCR (AC power dimmer with a potentiometer) in four steps from high to low. On step four the temperature is controlled by PID control.
Before starting cooking or Auto-Tune PID you must find out the best values in rotation degrees for your own sous-vide pan.
In my own configuration: 1:endPos (fixed 264°), 2:190°, 3:120°, 4:40° (power stepper motor turn the potentiometer to [n] degrees)
Edit these values in SousVidePan.h:

const uint8_t ...
  LowB = 40, // heating AC SCR power turn degrees ... (higher value is more AC power)
  MidB = 120, // ...
  HighB = 190, // ...

PID control - Auto Tune PID:
The Arduino PID library a very good choice. I use this PID library in my Sous-vide projects, with an accuracy of 0.06°C.
The ideal Kp, Ki and Kd (PID) values are depending on the power and water content.
In my own configuration: Kp:1018.59, Ki:9.32, Kd:0.0.
If the four above degree values are ok then run the Auto Tune command once.
Start from browser the auto tuning mode (±1-3 Hours). The calculated PID parameters are displayed and saved in the WeMos module.
Now the sous-vide pan is ready for cooking.